Old SAT Score Calculator

Old SAT Score Calculator

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What is the Old SAT Score?

Scholastic Aptitude Test ( Old SAT) Is Used Very Less Or Almost No Use In Some Colleges May Be. These SAT Scores And ACT Scores Often Change By Time. Where Old SAT Maximum Or Highest Score Is (2400) And Lowest Old SAT Score Is 750. So Here We are Also Given This Calculator If Someone Want To Calculate Their Old SAT Scores  

How To Calculate Old SAT?

Enter Score in Writing Textbox: Max(800)
Enter Score in Reading Textbox: Max(800)
Enter Score in Math Textbox: Max(800)
For the given Scores you will get results for the Old SAT.

0% to 20% = Low
20% to 40% = Average
40% to 60% = Good
60% to 80% = Best
80% to 100% = Excellent

Formula : (Old Reading Scale Score + Old Writing Scale Score) + Old Math Scale Score = Total Old SAT Score
exp: (550 + 600) + 720 = 1870 Total Old SAT Score